Wednesday, July 30, 2008

OIl will not drive stock market forever

Look for a disconnect between the price of oil and the Dow Jones very shortly. Every drop in oil price brings gain the Dow. Every gain in the price of oil brings a drop in the Dow. Inflation is here. Soon, more normal cycles will prevail. As interest rates increase in response to deflation of the dollar, investors will move away from stock and into interest bearing accounts. This will be more powerful effect than the price of oil.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Can Anyone Spell "Tulip?"

Commodity busts all rhyme with "tulip." Oil is at record highs, but has slipped lately. Anything could trigger an avalanche of selling with no buyers, with a tumble in price to my predicted price of $90 per barrel by January 1, 2009.

Friday, July 25, 2008

$90 oil on the way

What do you know? The world didn't come to an end.

Check out Obama. Is the Messiah, or just self-centered?

Oil fell again. Watch for $90 per barrel.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

California Uses More Oil Than China

California uses more oil than any other nation on the earth. That includes China. This means that China's impact on oil demand is exaggerated. California use has more impact than China.

$90 per barrel oil in inevitable. Demand will slacken. Some huge earth event will dampen it out. $90 oil is going to happen before January 1, 2009.

Crude Oil Pricing Diving in Accord with David Moody Prediction

Crude oil is going straight to $90 per barrel, exactly as David Moody predicted in the summer of 2008. History teaches that what goes up must come back down.

David Moody In The Know

Crude Oil $90 per barrel by January 1, 2009

Oil will be $90 per barrel on January 1, 2009.

David Moody in the know!