Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Watch for inflation

Those of you who missed the Jimmy Carter years of inflation should prepare yourselves for the reality of inflation. There is no way the government (us, as taxpayers) can repay the money borrowed for the bailouts. The only way is for the treasury department to print more money. That will lead to a lower value for our money. We will have more money in our bank accounts, items will cost more, but we will not have as much worth or value.
Watch for this key indicator: The price you pay for a Coke from a machine. Right now a 20 ounce Coke is about $1.25. Watch for prices to rise as the value of your money decreases.
Encourage our lawmakers to stop preventing business failures. It does not work.

NPR reported this morning that the Democrats will ignore budget deficits in order to pump up the economy. A pumped up economy is one with high inflation. Watch out.

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